scientific work and projects



scientific associate, Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL), Hamburg University of Technology / European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU University)



member of staff of the Coordination Office for Non-technical Courses, Hamburg University of Technology



scientific associate, research project "Assessing recent developments in social psychiatric care on the basis of the Capabilities Approach and the UN Disability Rights Convention" [„Bewertung aktueller Entwicklungen der sozialpsychiatrischen Versorgung auf Basis des Capabilities Approach und der Behindertenrechtskonvention der Vereinten Nationen (BAESCAP)“], Department Social Work, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences



research associate, research project „Hamburger Modell ‚Studierfähigkeit‘“, Hamburg Center for Academic Teaching and Learning [Hamburger Zentrum für Universitäres Lehren und Lernen (HUL)], University of Hamburg



scientific associate, research project "Network Participation of Multiple Discriminated People" [„Netzwerk Partizipation mehrfach diskriminierter Menschen“], Department of Social Sciences, University of Hamburg



scientific assistant of Prof. Dr. Marianne Pieper, Department of Social Sciences, University of Hamburg



reseach associate, research project „Entstehung und Entwicklung gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit bei Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund“, Faculty of Social Work, Health and Care, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences